18 OCTOBER 2019

TH Group took part in the 21st Interregional Specialized Exhibition BelgorodAgro-2018


On September 5-7, 2018, the 21st Interregional Specialized Exhibition BelgorodAgro-2018 was held. The event comprised the following activities: exciting opening ceremony, business program, closing and award ceremony, public tasting of food products and drinks. Belexpocenter's exhibition hall was a rally point for representatives of 167 enterprises from 16 Russian regions, as well as agrarians from Germany, Belgium, and Belarus.

The event organizers included the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Department of the Agriculture and Environment Reproduction of the Belgorod Region, Belgorod Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Belexpocenter.

TH Group together with its partners Skypower, Geoexpert, and Kvanta, presented their agricultural solutions.

The following advancements were presented at the company's stand: versatile agricultural drone Horizon, caterpillar robotized platform for soil analysis and cultivation, ground-penetrating radar for the use in agriculture and roadway construction, proprietary GPS/GLONASS module offering accuracy of up to 10 cm for agricultural machinery.

TH Group's solutions aroused interest of Igor Kozubenko, Head of the Agricultural Department of the Digital Development and State Information Resource Management, and Ivan Bortnik, Advisor to CEO of the Fund for Support of Small Research and Development Enterprises. Annual exhibition BelgorodAgro is a high-grade

event included in the list of exhibitions and fairs carried out with support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

On September 7, the closing and award ceremony of BelgorodAgro-2018 took place. Vladimir Gerasimenko, Head of the Belgorod Chamber of Commerce and Industry, argued that that exhibition was one of the most spectacular and pompous in the whole series.

TH Group was awarded the certificates from the Department of Agriculture and Environment Reproduction of the Belgorod Region and Belgorod Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

TH Group took part in the 21st Interregional Specialized Exhibition BelgorodAgro-2018
TH Group took part in the 21st Interregional Specialized Exhibition BelgorodAgro-2018
TH Group took part in the 21st Interregional Specialized Exhibition BelgorodAgro-2018
TH Group took part in the 21st Interregional Specialized Exhibition BelgorodAgro-2018
TH Group took part in the 21st Interregional Specialized Exhibition BelgorodAgro-2018