17 OCTOBER 2019

TH Group is a member of StarLine partnership


TH Group keeps on developing the cooperation with research and manufacturing association StarLine. Engineers of Geoexpert, an affiliate of TH Group, are members of the group concerned with developing a radiolocation system for its branded unmanned vehicle dubbed StarLine.

StarLine is a developer and manufacturer of smart electronics having extensive experience in automation, robotization, and telematics. StarLine joins together Russia's most brilliant engineers and develops StarLine car, a public project based on innovative unmanned driving technologies. This unmanned vehicle follows the preset route, identifies road marking, traffic lights and road signs, skirts obstacles, yield the road to pedestrians, maneuvers, and warns of possible emergency.

Within the framework of further development of the unmanned vehicle project, Geoexpert engineers develop the radiolocation system to ensure more accurate and safer navigation. This technology will allow capturing the essential navigational data in cases when the built-in technical vision system cannot navigate the vehicle (e.g. inbad weather or if there is no road surface marking).

In compliance with the specifications prescribed by Geoexpert engineers, StarLine developers created antennas for the assembly of a pilot model of the radiolocation system. TH Group, jointly with its affiliate Geoexpert, will continue to engage in innovative projects making use of their scientific and practical experience.